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VII. Lightroom

Lightroom Portrait Editing (part 1) – Basic Adjustments


You will learn how to do some basic adjustments, specifically for portraits in Adobe Lightroom CC


  1. Go to Develop Module
  2. On the right panel, under “Basics,” you have access to a lot of different non-distructive image adjustments
  3. Adjust the White Balance by changing the WB option in Lightroom
  4. Adjust overall exposure by moving the Exposure slidebar
  5. Adjust Contrast, Shadows, Highlights, Blacks, and Whites as you may please. Be subtle with your edits when you’re editing a portrait
  6. Sometimes clarity can help bring out some textures but do not abuse this slider in portrait editing.
  7. Play around with Virance and Saturation. Again, be subtle, you definitely do not want to have oversaturated skin color for portraiture.

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